Welcome and Remember “Meet the Teacher Night”

Should i stay or should i go?Creative Commons License Matthias Ripp via Compfight

Welcome to fifth grade! (That picture above is supposed to be me looking forward to the beginning of our year-long journey together.) 

Just a little reminder that there is a “Meet the Teacher” night on Monday, August 21st from 5:00 – 7:00. Come any time and drop off school supplies. I’ll be there and would love to meet you and your child. If you can’t make it, no problem, we’ll catch up some other time.

Fifth-grade will be a change; much will be different than Carrie Lee! That’s both good and sort of scary. Please know that we want you to experience the same care and concern here at the Middle School that you felt at Carrie Lee and John Cline. Please do not hesitate to call, write, or email when you have questions. You can find my contact information on the DMS website, the newsletter we’ll be handing out, and lots of other places.

PS. I’ve added your email to a subscription list for our class blog. If you don’t want the email, just unsubscribe by finding the link in the email message that arrived in your inbox. (I’ll try to write…probably…1-2 times per week early in the year, which will likely dwindle as the year goes along.)